Village Clinics Improves Access to Health Services in Mulanje

Mulanje Mission Hospital (MMH) introduced village clinics that have proven to increase access to under five services in Mulanje District. Mulanje Mission Hospital introduced village clinics were introduced in the district to ease community members to access under five services so that people access such services on their door steps.

The village clinics have also been supported by Improved Services for Aids and Basic Health Care through Empowerment and Local Democracy (ISABEL) Project with drug supplies and materials for sanitation.In appreciation for village clinics services, a woman who has been accessing under five services at Kade had to say, “I thank Mulanje Mission Hospital through Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs) for bringing such services to our door steps.

It was really difficult for us especially myself to travel all the way to MMH with my son and daughter to receive treatment. But now malaria is being treated right away in our homes, and the most interesting thing is that all these services that we are getting are for free”. In addition, the woman suggested that it would be much better if all community members were
benefiting from village clinics instead of under five children only.